See Dr. Lake’s Blog to see what Dr. Lake is up to, and for the latest in links to animal related news from whales to chimpanzees. There is a great new link there about free diving. See James Nestor’s talk, “Humanity and the Deep Ocean” linked in the blog, or continue to scroll on down here on the home page to see more content related to animal intelligence.
As of 10/2/2018 author, TS, has expanded the free preview for Mind Duel all the way through Chapter 3. Click the link above to go find the preview, along with the synopsis and more excerpts.
- posted February 15, 2025
More than five years ago, we used a genetic algorithm to train our brain implants. Now this company is using AI to train theirs. Startup Canaery is partnering with a US Department of Energy lab to develop neural implants for rats and dogs that are capable of decoding what they smell. Read more: archive.is/G1dlK
- posted June 26, 2020
With the flu pandemic limiting human activity at the beaches and in the water, dolphins are coming to the shoreline bearing gifts to lure us back. I don’t know why they like us so much. We may not deserve it, but I for one appreciate the affection.
- posted April 28, 2019
Wildlife wins in 2018. We take the good news where we can get it. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2018/12/wildlife-wins-2018/
- posted March 4, 2019
This Ross Andersen article takes a deep, scholarly look into several of the concepts so important and relevant to the Dual Minds effort. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/03/what-the-crow-knows/580726/
- posted June 1, 2018

Cesur the dog mourns his human best friend’s passing. What amazing (although sad in this case) things are going on within this humble animal’s mind! Read Cesur’s story at thedodo.com https://www.thedodo.com/dog-visits-grave-every-day-2211964715.html
- posted June 18, 2018
I don’t think it goes down like this fortunate telephoto pic seems to imply, but if you define taking turns speaking as being a conversation, many animals seem to do it!
- posted May 8, 2018
It is heartening to see some good people doing some good work
- posted November 18, 2017
Here is a link to a site dedicated to Whale Conservancy and understanding whale and dolphin click communication
- posted October 29, 2017
- posted January 13, 2018

See his web page to learn more about the what language skills animals may possess.
- posted October 29, 2017
- posted October 29, 2017
- posted September 22, 2017
Here is a petition you may well want to sign. A museum has their first amendment rights to display what they want. But we also have our right to express our displeasure with their choices. More animal cruelty coming out of China.
We hope it wasn’t the threats of violence which we don’t condone, but the expressed appeal to decency that has worked to stop this exhibit.
Mind Duel, the novel, can now be found at Amazon books as well as right here. Click Mind Duel on the main menu for more info.
Author of Mind Duel, Tom Schneider, offers a sample quick read of a totally unrelated story, the short story, “Bifurcation”, subtitled, “Will and Remi Save the World”. It’s a fun little, exciting sci-fi plot that toys with the classic time travel paradox – can you beat it? Click the link below to go to the short story page.