Mind Duel

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Mind Duel: www.amazon.com/dp/0999063316
Mind Duel Africa: www.amazon.com/dp/B07MXTX78V
Visit the author’s page at Amazon Tom Schneider

Mind Duel Africa continues Dr. Lake’s story. A lovesick reformed hunter, a crazed bull elephant, and a snake venom dealer named Happenstance, are among the fascinating characters who join the extraordinary Dr. Kim Lake in a gritty African adventure, a quest to save the elephants. Once again, in this sequel to Mind Duel, romance and high drama abound as you probe our world with the questions, what is consciousness, and what do the animals think. It’s a wild ride with our group of adventurers, thoughtless poachers, ruthless soldiers, and an elephant who admires Steve McQueen!

More than an adventure, Mind Duel Africa is a story about life and death, right and wrong, good and evil, and about our responsibility to choose sides.

Mind Duel is a novel by Tom Schneider. It tells the tale of Dr. Lake’s trials and adventures.  The book is available for purchase right here. (free shipping! Credit card purchase is secured by PayPal) It is also available at Amazon Books ( three something $ shipping).

Click here to sample the first chapters: Mind Duel Preview
A shorter sample that still includes the entire first chapter, pulled from the ebook version, is free to read in your web browser if you follow this link to Kindle: Mind Duel Preview, Kindle

Subtitled, A Story of Corporate Intrigue, an Exploration of Consciousness, and a Girl and Her Dolphin, this book will entertain with its action, drama, and romance, but you will also find it thought-provoking as it addresses issues of animal rights and the nature of consciousness, both animal and human.

Based on a bold sci-fi premise, MIND DUEL is a thought provoking and timely techno-thriller filled with action, drama, and romance. Dr. Kim Lake’s lifelong ambition is to explore the consciousness within the minds of animals. She proposes utilizing her corporation’s dual port RAM chip technology in pursuit of this dream, but instead finds herself blackmailed into cooperating with a nefarious group of animal rights activists. On the run from the authorities and from her corporation’s CEO, she forges a new identity and pushes her very mind to the limit when she implants the mind-linking chip within her own brain. She and her forced cohorts all find new meaning in their lives as they ponder the meaning of consciousness.

Author, Tom Schneider, draws from his technical background as well as his more earthy life experiences to make you believe the mind-link can really work, and he dares to tell us what the animals think!

From the pages of MIND DUEL,

… Then as the fog continued to lift from a world of compromised consciousness, she remembered the project, the preparation as they had strapped her into the chair. And then she was fully awake. She remembered it all! She was truly pioneering a brave new world …

… Dr. Lake, part dog herself, locked eyes with the wolf as she crouched in front of him, hand on his throat. …

… She took his hand tugging him beachward as they both broke into a run. They jogged down the path that led from the cliffs to the sandy beach, and then broke out into a full run again. They charged exuberantly along the water’s edge, here and there allowing their footfalls to splash in the thinnest of the shallow waters left with each retreating wave. Kim came to the realization that she felt more at home than at any other time in her adult life. She was free to do nothing more than pursue her dreams. She toyed with the idea that someday she might share the truth of her life with this man with whom she presently sprinted side by side.